
Submitting to God's Authority (Romans 13:1-7)

Actually, I was the guy who told Ptr Euclid he was a brave man for preaching this message. In response he made me talk here. I should probably keep my comments to myself next time. The danger when hearing a message such as this is to focus on behavior and not regard the motivation for the behavior. Paul tells us to submit to authority but he begins with the more important thing – the why. Very recently, I was talking with a friend who recounted his own experience of the fake tsunami scare that happened in Cebu City last February 2012. I think everyone will remember this incident that we now look back to as the “Chona Mae scare of 2012”. Many of us will remember it now as a funny incident. But I think we can learn important lessons from this. He was driving along Jones Avenue going towards Colon when suddenly he saw hundreds of people rushing past him. He said they all looked very scared and many of them were shouting and pounding on his car window. They were urging people to start runn